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  • 「ホームランか三振か」ではなかったラルフ・ブライアント氏




夏の終わり、往年の名助っ人外国人、元近鉄バファローズ ラルフ・ブライアント氏が来日。都内でトークショーを開催しました。参加したライターより、感想と感謝の手紙をブライアント氏に送ります。


ですが、SHIBAURA HOUSEに集まった熱心なファンの方々を見て、プレーがとても魅力的だったということがよくわかりました。応援グッズにサインをいただいている時に、皆様、ブライアントさんとの短時間の会話を楽しんでいらっしゃったのが印象的でした。同じ思い出を、喜びとともに共有なさっていましたね。



JRFPAの皆様にも、今回のトークショーの開催について感謝申し上げます。日本プロ野球外国人OB選手会(Japan Retired Foreign Player Association)は、外国人OB選手とファンを結びつけるさまざまな活動を行っています。



Mr. Ralph Bryant,

I sincerely appreciate that you came to “Love-Spo” talk show as a big guest.
Being a child at that time, actually I don’t remember your playing at stadiums so much. But now I know that your play was so attractive because there were many fans of you at Shibaura House, and they were really enthusiastic.
It was impressive that each of them was enjoying a short conversation with you when you autographed the goods. You and your fans were sharing the same memories ghtfully.

I was really surprised to the fact that you never have the intent to make a home run.
You said that you had made not only homers and strikeouts but also doubles or so
. You may have focused on getting the higher score and having the t
eam win. The success in the hitting is made from the simple thinking, isn’t it? You could have it, so you could hit a home run on the legendary “10.12” I think.

Before you came to Shibaura House, you had taught baseball to children.
They must have so much fun. Is teaching baseball happy for you? If you feel so, we want to learn how to throw, catch and hit, from you.

I also thank to JRFPA for having the talk show. Japan Retired Foreign Player Association is getting many activities for the former players and their fans executed. I’ll be happy if I have the special time with you and your buddies in this association again.
Please take care of your health. Whenever you come to Japan, a great number of baseball lovers welcome you.

Best regards,
Rena Endo


芝山ゴルフ倶楽部 視察プレーのご案内